Personal Book Recommendations

These books were all fundamental to my current finance knowledge, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking to expand their financial expertise

There are no Amazon Ambassador links on this page, I simply wanted to share this information because I wish the same info was shared to me when I was younger. I credit these books with creating my passion for finance.

Set for Life: Dominate Life, Money, and the American Dream

Set for Life was the first finance book I read, and it changed how I viewed finance and triggered my passion for financial excellence.

This book starts off with several great tips on cutting costs and building your initial nest egg. From there, it gets into real estate tips for your first property (especially "House Hacking") which I found very interesting.

Even if you do not plan on buying a house soon, I think this book does a great job of giving specific, actionable advice for building your nest egg and getting yourself on a strong financial foundation.

How to Travel the World on $50 a Day

How to Travel the World on $50 a Day was the second finance book I ever read, and despite its niche title, I found it to be incredibly helpful for practical finance advice. This book taught me the importance of high interest savings accounts, cashback credit cards, and more.

The important lesson I learned from this book was how every little bit of income counts when you are striving for financial independence.

It also has a lot of great information on how to cut costs while traveling.

The Richest Man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon is a classic finance book that I can recommend to virtually anyone.

The book details some timeless financial advice regarding passive income, savings, and income maximization.

It's a relatively short read, but one that can give you a great philosophical foundation about money.

This is one of the most famous finance books in the world, and for good reason.

The Intelligent Investor

The Intelligent Investor is a famous investing book, one of my personal favorites.

It's an old book, and it can get pretty technical, but the lessons from its era are absolutely still pertinent today. The US stock market is, in the long term, one of the greatest wealth creation vehicles in the world.

With that said, it talks about the potential perils of daytrading/gambling on the market. This book talks about which areas of the market to focus on for long term investing, and why to avoid active trading.

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

Like The Intelligent Investor, The Little Book of Common Sense Investing is a great general stock advice book.

This book was written by the founder of "Vanguard", one of the world's biggest investment funds.

I think this book goes well with The Intelligent Investor as a more modern interpretation of the timeless advice of long-term index fund investing.